Exploring the World of Burning Fats and Detoxes

With many individuals attaching great importance to their body image, their desire to attain a certain body type or ideal weight has become a conduit for businesses to push new products that seemingly deliver desirable results. Taking things beyond a mere fad diet that someone can simply jump on and decide after a couple of weeks if it's something they want to continue with, there has been an increase in the number of “diet pills” that claim to be safe and effective for weight loss. While most of these products fall into the hands of individuals because of deceptive marketing, there are some natural supplements that are known to boost your body’s ability to eliminate toxins. Beyond making your body more efficient in ridding itself of the “bad stuff”, these health supplements can also help ensure that your gut is balanced. But will buying any detox teas or digestive health supplements off the counter help with burning fats and weight loss?
What is a Detox?
To put things simply, a detox cleanses your body. Our organs, in general, are designed to detoxify our systems and excrete any toxins to maintain balance. This is done to ensure that all sorts of bacteria and viruses are cleared and the body’s regulatory mechanisms are functioning optimally. One of the main organs that does this is the liver. But of course, there are other ways for us to purge the toxins we put in on a daily basis and prevent our important organs from reaching their breaking point. While fat burning exercises are a great way to remove toxins, a detox is something that has slowly been gaining popularity. The effects of a detox done properly include everything from increased energy levels and heightened immune system to a lowered risk of health issues and better weight management.
Knowing the Difference
Celebrities all around the world have been endorsing detox drinks and tea for detox around the world. Promoting these products while showing off their slim bodies, the message is clear - consume these detox products and you’ll start losing weight like you’ve just started an intense fat-burning and heart rate increasing exercise regime. But the truth of the matter is that while these “detox” drinks and pills may be the hottest talk in town, in reality, they are not doing anything for your body except altering your bowel movements. This is because many of these quick fixes involve laxatives. While detoxing your body through bowel movements can indeed make you feel lighter, this is far different from burning off any excess fats - there is a huge difference between burning fats and water loss. Other detox supplements in the market contain harsh ingredients like Capsaicin from chillies. While Capsaicin can help with burning fats, it often causes stomach issues and brings about other unpleasant reactions. Moreover, many of these quick fixes can send you back to your old habits due to their impracticality. So how do you know what is good for you?
Nature has blessed us with several gifts and some of these include naturally detoxifying ingredients. This means you can eliminate the excess weight and toxins by taking a detox supplement that encourages progressive change.
Nutrilife’s Detox Supplement
A part of NutriLife’s Fat Burners and Detox catalogue, our NutriDetox supplement is a gentle yet effective detox supplement that can be taken sustainably for long-term weight loss. Free of unpleasant ingredients like Capsaicin that might cause stomachs to react badly, the NutriDetox is even suitable for sensitive stomachs. Made from 100% aloe barbadensis leaf extract from an aloe species with the highest medicinal value, it not only has antimicrobial and antiviral properties but is also well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and detoxification benefits. To elevate the value of this supplement and support optimal weight management, the NutriDetox is reinforced with three strains of probiotics for additional gut support. A detox supplement with added probiotics strain helps to regulate your bowel movements, reduce bloating and improve your digestion with the NutriDetox.
At NutriLife, all our supplements are easy to incorporate into your daily routine, allowing even those leading hectic lifestyles to lead a healthier life. Made from quality ingredients and manufactured in France, some of NutriLife’s supplements such as our gut health supplements and NutriDetox come in tablet form. Simply buy your choice of digestive health supplements online and get them delivered to you in Singapore.
Have questions about our products and how they can improve your gut health? Feel free to reach out to us for more information.